Empty arrays

Empty arrays in MATLAB come in different sized and number of dimensions. Even though the commonly known notation for empty arrays are

  • [] for matrices
  • {} for cell arrays
  • struct([]) for structure arrays

these arrays are all 2-dimensional of size 0-by-0:

>> size([])
ans =
     0     0
>> size({})
ans =
     0     0
>> size(struct([]))
ans =
     0     0

Empty arrays can come in as many number of dimensions or dimensions as long as at least one dimension is zero. Any of MATLAB function that create a special array by taking the dimensions of it as input arguments can be used to create such an empty array:

>> ones(1,2,0)
ans =
   Empty array: 1-by-2-by-0
>> zeros(5,0,2,4)
ans =
   Empty array: 5-by-0-by-2-by-4
>> cell(3,5,8,13,0)
ans =
   Empty cell array: 3-by-5-by-8-by-13-by-0
>> struct(rand(1,2,0))
ans =
   1x2x0 struct array with no fields.


These functions silently ignore negative arguments and replace them with zero. That means ones(-10,2) is exactly the same as ones(0,2). This can be an issue if the arguments are calculated using other variables, e.g., before using ones(m, n-m) one needs to explicitly check if n>=m.

A common way of encountering empty arrays is by all-false logical indexing in a non-empty array. However note that using a full-size logical matrix for indexing always leads to a 0-by-1 empty array.

>> A=rand(2,4)
A =
    0.0759    0.5308    0.9340    0.5688
    0.0540    0.7792    0.1299    0.4694
>> A(A(:,1)>1, :)
ans =
   Empty matrix: 0-by-4
>> A(A>1)
ans =
   Empty matrix: 0-by-1


Empty arrays follow the same rules when it comes to comparison operator ==. They can either be compared with an array of the same size or a scalar. That the result is always an empty logical array of the same size.

>> a=[]
a =
>> a==[]
ans =
>> class(a==[])
ans =
>> (1==[])
ans =
>> class(1==[])
ans =

For statement

MATLAB for statement for I=M iterates over columns of M however it doesn’t check if M is an empty array or not, therefore, following code

F = rand(4);
M = F(F(:,1)>1,:);
for I=M,
    disp('no way!')

will execute the inner loop 4 times, which in most cases is not a desirable outcome.

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